Now available for sale at select bookstores in New York and Portland!
134 Prince St. New York, NY
76 N. 4th St. Brooklyn, NY
12 St. Marks Pl. New York, NY
1005 W. Burnside St. Portland, OR
To read Interviews buy physical copy.
A MANIFESTO (but not actually cause that’s pretentious, but then again so is this zine)
Why does music suck these days? My dad and I have been asking each other this question since I could talk (and he’s been secretly wondering it since before I graced him with my presence in 2002). But seriously WHY DOES IT SUCK? There are so many great bands out there playing little clubs all around the world AND THEY AREN’T SIGNED!! WHY? Does it even matter if they get signed? (for the sake of music and everyone’s ears YES) I don’t have the answers to these questions but what I do have is this zine with PHOTOS!! and interviews of MY two favorite musicians Joan As Police Woman and David Byrne so you should like totally read this and tell all your friends and your grandma and your grandma’s neighbor about it (or don’t I don’t really care). Anyways here’s some great underground NYC bands that play those little aforementioned clubs that you should totally listen to instead of whatever crap you have playing currently. Ok bye!